ihzx 发表于 2021-8-21 12:50:59


<p>T1:=5;<br />
T2:=4;<br />
P:=((2)*(CLOSE) + HIGH + LOW + OPEN)/(5);<br />
BB:=MA(P,3);<br />
CC:=(SUM(IF((P &gt; REF(P,1)),(P)*(VOL),0),4))/(SUM(IF((P &lt; REF(P,1)),(P)*(VOL),0),4));<br />
DD:=REF(100 - (100)/(1 + CC),1);<br />
A1:=HHV(P,15);<br />
A2:=LLV(P,15);<br />
A3:=A1 - A2;<br />
A4:=(EMA((P - A2)/(A3),2))*(100);<br />
B1:=HHV(P,60);<br />
B2:=LLV(P,60);<br />
B3:=B1 - B2;<br />
B4:=(EMA((P - B2)/(B3),2))*(100);<br />
C1:=HHV(P,240);<br />
C2:=LLV(P,240);<br />
C3:=C1 - C2;<br />
C4:=(EMA((P - C2)/(C3),2))*(100);<br />
长风险:C4,Linethick2,Color443434;<br />
中风险:B4,ColorAA7755;<br />
短风险:A4,Color44AABB;<br />
IF(FILTER((中风险 &lt; REF(中风险,1)) and (中风险 &gt; 90) and (BB &lt; REF(BB,1)),5),92,100),Linethick2,Color44BB00;<br />
IF(FILTER((中风险 &gt; REF(中风险,1)) and (中风险 &lt; 5) and (CLOSE &gt; REF(CLOSE,1)),5),14,0),Linethick2,Color2222FF;<br />
VAR4:=LLV(LOW,T1);<br />
VAR5:=HHV(HIGH,T2);<br />
散户:EMA(((P - VAR4)/(VAR5 - VAR4))*(100),T2),Linethick2,Color3333DD;<br />
庄家:EMA((0.667)*(REF(散户,1)) + (0.333)*(散户),2),Linethick2,ColorDDCC00;<br />
VAR6:=((HHV(HIGH,4) - P)/(HHV(HIGH,4) - LLV(LOW,4)))*(100) - 72;<br />
VAR7:=((P - LLV(LOW,4))/(HHV(HIGH,4) - LLV(LOW,4)))*(100);<br />
VAR8:=SMA(VAR7,2,1);<br />
DRAWTEXT(CROSS(散户,庄家) and (散户 &lt; 50) and (29 &lt; 散户),20,'▲'),colorred;<br />
{股旁网-股票公式网站 www.gupang.com}<br />
DRAWTEXT(CROSS(庄家,散户) and (散户 &gt; 40) and (71 &gt; 散户),70,'▼'),ColorFF0000;<br />
DRAWTEXT(CROSS(散户,庄家) and (散户 &lt; 30),30,'吸'),colorred;<br />
DRAWICON(CROSS(散户,庄家) and (散户 &lt; 30),20,1),coloryellow;<br />
DRAWICON(CROSS(庄家,散户) and (散户 &gt; 70),80,2),ColorFF00FF;<br />
VAR9:=CLOSE - REF(CLOSE,5);<br />
VARA:=((EMA(EMA(VAR9,5),5))/(EMA(EMA(ABS(VAR9),5),5)))*(100);<br />
VARB:=((EMA(EMA(VAR9,10),10))/(EMA(EMA(ABS(VAR9),10),10)))*(100);<br />
VARC:=((EMA(EMA(VAR9,20),20))/(EMA(EMA(ABS(VAR9),20),20)))*(100);<br />
卖出:=IF((VARA &gt; 0) and CROSS(VARC,VARA),10,0);<br />
DRAWICON((卖出 &gt; 0),60,2),Color00FF00;<br />
CCI:=((P - MA(P,14))*(100))/((1.5)*(AVEDEV(P,14)));<br />
RSI1:=((SMA(MAX(CLOSE - REF(CLOSE,1),0),6,1))/(SMA(ABS(CLOSE - REF(CLOSE,1)),6,1)))*(100);<br />
STICKLINE((CCI &gt; 100),106,100,6,0),Color00AC00;<br />
STICKLINE((RSI1 &gt; 80),105,102,6,0),Color00FE00;<br />
STICKLINE((CCI &lt; (-100)),(-6),0,6,0),coloryellow;<br />
STICKLINE((RSI1 &lt; 25),(-6),(-2),6,0),ColorFF44FF;<br />
D1:=(中风险 &gt; REF(中风险,1)) and (短风险 &gt; REF(短风险,1)) and (长风险 &gt; REF(长风险,1)) and (长风险 &lt; 8) and (中风险 &lt; 10) and (短风险 &lt; 15);<br />
D2:=CROSS(短风险,中风险) and (中风险 &lt; 8);<br />
D3:=CROSS(短风险,长风险) and (长风险 &lt; 8) and (中风险 &lt; 20);<br />
DRAWICON(FILTER(D1 or D2 or D3 and (DD &lt; 15) and (CLOSE &gt; REF(CLOSE,1)),5),8,1),ColorFF0000;<br />
DRAWICON(FILTER((中风险 &lt; REF(中风险,1)) and (短风险 &lt; REF(短风险,1)) and (长风险 &lt; REF(长风险,1)) and (中风险 &gt; 95) and (短风险 &gt; 85) or (长风险 &gt; 100) and (中风险 &gt; 100) and (短风险 &gt; 100),5),95,2),Color000080;<br />
警戒线:80,ColorDCDCDC;<br />
启动线:20,coloryellow;<br />
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